
2024 Issues

Cessna Owner Magazine July 2024

8 Featured Plane
Cessna 172S
18 Avionics
Options: New From Garmin
24 When Weather Turns to Trouble
28 What Instrument Pilots Need to Know About Flying the Visual Segment on an IFR Approach
32 CamGuard Confession
A First-Hand Assessment of Aviation’s Most Talked About Oil Additive
36 Sky Talk
Training is Required
40 Alternator and Electrical System Troubleshooting
46 Hangar Tip
Take Photos While Flying

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Cessna Owner Magazine May 2024

8 Featured Plane
Cessna 150/152 Market Report
20 Avionics
Electronic Flight Instruments
26 The Workings of Constant-Speed Propellers
30 Sky Talk 4 Things That Can Void Your Policy
4 Things That Can Void Your Policy
34 What Instrument Pilots Need to Know about IFR Alternates
38 Best of Tech Support
46 Hangar Tip
Cessna Owner Organization Has a New Online Store!

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