
Author: Cessna Owner Organization

Cessna Owner Magazine October 2018

6 Cessna 140: Small, Nimble, and Fun to Fly
14 Why Ladies Love Taildraggers, By Judy Birchler
16 Let’s Talk Antennas
22 ADS-B Out Primer
28 20 Things You Probably Never Knew About Aviation (Or Forgot)
36 A Game Plan for Keeping Your Insurance As You Age
40 Product Reviews:
Grypshon Tool Mats & TKM Replacement Radios
50 Tips and Tales About Flying Taildraggers
By Bill Cox
54 How and Why to Clean Fuel Injectors

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Cessna Owner Magazine September 2018

6 Cessna Aerobat: The Perfect Aerobatic Trainer
10 Why the Aerobat is the Perfect Aerobatics Training Plane, By Catherine Cavagnaro
16 The Scariest Word in Aircraft Ownership: CORROSION
30 Why is My Plane So Slow?
24 How Modern Avionics Features Can Reduce Pilot Load
32 Your Options for Owning, Sharing or Leasing an Airplane
36 Precision Vertical Card Compass
48 Have You Ever Looked at Your Mechanic’s Airplane?
54 Instructions for Continued Airworthiness

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Box D Zone 4