Twin Talk: Engine Management
I am suggesting here is if you are considering an avionics upgrade in your twin, it is an opportunity to simplify engine management.
Read MoreI am suggesting here is if you are considering an avionics upgrade in your twin, it is an opportunity to simplify engine management.
Read MoreWhat Avionics should you have to fly Light IFR Safely? In my opinion, to fly Light IFR you need a capable pilot and…
Read MoreThe FAA monitors active pilot’s certificates in the US and issues the data every year including the stats for the nine years prior.
Read MoreNo matter how you fly, you need to communicate – and not just to ATC and your fellow pilots in the pattern at a non-controlled airport.
Read Moreby Scott Sherer | Avionics
Over twenty years ago, I started reading about NextGen and it seemed like forever before we reached the installation deadline in 2020.
Read MoreMy role as an independent avionics writer for this magazine is to provide you with a new article every 30 days.
Read MoreElectronic flight instruments are a good option for light IFR pilots to help eliminate the risk of a vacuum pump or vacuum AI failure in IFR.
Read MoreThe majority of my consultant clients come to me with outdated avionics looking to upgrade the panel for Light IFR.
Read Moreby Joel Turpin | Avionics
One of the most important considerations when planning an IFR flight is whether or not an alternate will be required.
Read MoreuAvionix develops and manufactures communications, navigation, and surveillance products for the unmanned aviation industry.
Read MoreGPS Interference, Jamming and Spoofing In my last article, I mentioned flying in my early days and...
Read MoreLet’s look at what is available today for the True IFR or Business pilot when “active” equipage makes sense.
Read MoreSituational awareness is understanding all the factors within the four risk elements that affect safety before, during and after a flight
Read MoreNew product topics have been lean in the last few years but now there is good news for you and me! New products that are worth talking about.
Read MoreWhat’s an avionics guy doing talking about personal minimums? It dawned on me that I discuss them with all my clients.
Read MoreI got my start as an avionics consultant for Eastern Avionics in 1997. We were the first avionics shop on the internet in 1995
Read MoreAt Oshkosh in 2017, the autopilot market got a shakeup with the news that Garmin was now entering the autopilot aftermarket.
Read MoreDynon has announced the addition of the D30 Touchscreen Electronic Flight Display to its Dynon Certified product line.
Read MoreCarbon monoxide (CO) has been a potential safety issue for the GA community for as long as we have had combustion engines and enclosed cockpits.
Read MoreI first covered Trig Avionics in our September 2016 issue and frankly, I’m surprised it has been that long.
Read MoreThe panel was IFR certified and decent for an older avionics setup, but after getting my instrument ticket a couple years ago, I felt I needed a certified IFR receiver and an autopilot
Read MoreI’ve been an advocate for legacy aircraft owners since before I became an avionics consultant at Eastern Avionics in 1997. That’s because I was one
Read MoreGarmin has released PlaneSync, a management system
Read MoreIt’s about using technology to enhance your virtual visibility! Pilots in IFR conditions get a lot of help from Air Traffic Control (ATC)
Read MoreIf you’ve been reading my articles for the last nine years, you know I frequently refer to the term “Light IFR.” Sometimes I wonder if I invented the term.
Read MorePlane Ownership – Part 3, covers everything you need to know to transition into your new-to-you Cessna aircraft. The information in this webinar includes avionics, finance, and upgrades.
Read MorePilots have lots of questions about avionics, so Cessna Owner and PIPERS magazines reached out in a member enewsletter and asked for your general avionics questions.
Read MoreCessna 172 panel upgrade options just got cheaper and better with a new STC from Six Pack Aero, which can help you replace and future-proof your avionics.
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