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A few members let us know on our survey that they’ve never visited the Cessna Owner online forum. Top 5 Reasons to be a Forum User
Read MoreA few members let us know on our survey that they’ve never visited the Cessna Owner online forum. Top 5 Reasons to be a Forum User
Read More33 New Year’s resolutions for the general aviation pilot as suggested by pilots, air controllers, FBOs and engine specialists.
Read MoreI stopped for fuel and to eat a sandwich after a two-hour flight, and somehow, in that time, the master was left on!
Read MoreA recent discussion about coms (radios) in airplanes was civil and showed a lot of passion on both sides of the argument.
Read Moreby Diana Jones | Hangar Tip
My former flight instructor, John Dorcey, is a huge proponent of the Society of Aviation and Flight Educators (SAFE).
Read Moreby Scott Sherer | Hangar Tip
The entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well in aviation, as evidenced by a small, innovative company running out of Glendale, California.
Read Moreby Scott Sherer | Hangar Tip
From time to time a question comes through on our online forums about measuring the amount of fuel in a fuel tank.
Read MoreDid you ever wish you could just swipe a finger and preheat your plane without driving to the airport hours ahead of a planned flight?
Read Moreby Scott Sherer | Hangar Tip
Every once in a while a new product falls in my lap and I come away thinking how did I ever live without that?? Today that happened again!
Read MoreAre you aware of the four common headset mistakes pilots make?
Read Moreby Scott Sherer | Hangar Tip
There’s a company called Aircraft Engravers in the Northeast that all aircraft owners should know about. Why? Because our instrument panels need their help.
Read Moreby Scott Sherer | Hangar Tip
I drank the lemonade a few years back after reading again and again in other aviation magazines that we’re supposed to have a backup radio in case our panels go dark.
Read MoreBy Elizabeth Gibbs As aircraft owners, we know it’s within our rights to perform our own oil changes as preventive maintenance. But what happens when you take your aircraft in for an annual, and you’ve only flown an hour or two...
Read Moreyou may find that your Cessna seat could still slide back at the most inopportune time. Cessna felt compelled to come up with a solution to help combat this problem.
Read MoreIn his May 2022 webinar, New described his preferred way to check the seat pin. “One way to check it is with the pin fully engaged.
Read MoreThe seat roller is a metal wheel sandwiched between two plastic discs, forming a seat roller assembly that’s attached to the seat roller housing with a bolt through the hub of the roller.
Read MoreAs Cessna owners, we’re always looking for ways to save a little money on the maintenance of our airplanes. That’s why knowing the ins and outs of preventative maintenance can be handy and cost effective.
Read MoreIf you own a strutless Cessna, namely the 177 and 210, you’re probably well acquainted with the carry-through spar airworthiness directives that have come out in the last few years.
Read MorePaul New’s May 2022 webinar included a section on lubrication, where he spoke about various types of lubrication for Cessna parts.
Read MoreIn his May 2022 webinar, Paul New discussed many topics regarding corrosion in older Cessnas, including landing gear, which are more vulnerable than owners realize.
Read MoreBy Erich RempertA&P/IA Consultant All of us have pulled into a gas station and filled up a low...
Read Morethe seat rail is an integral part of the structure of the belly of the airplane. You can’t drill the seat rails off and fly around without the seat rails.
Read MoreWhether it’s a rainy day or a perfect afternoon that calls for reading and a nap in the hangar, here are two books to consider adding to your collection.
Read Moreby Scott Sherer | Hangar Tip, Reviews
This wasn’t just any tool bag, this was perfect for the baggage compartment of my airplane.
Read MoreBy Gary Van Dyke I’ve been fighting a shimmy on my Cardinal RG for a while. I had a fairly...
Read Moreby Scott Sherer | Hangar Tip
I’m always on the lookout for inexpensive things that make my airplane look nice. As my wife would...
Read Moreby Scott Sherer | Hangar Tip
Every time I do an avionics upgrade, I watch my ammeter needle creep up a notch. At what point...
Read MoreMost of us leave the wrenching of our aircraft to the guy or gal with A&P after their name....
Read MoreBy Jeff Cooper I recently bought a plane with a dirty, greasy, oily belly. In hindsight I should...
Read Moreby Scott Sherer | Hangar Tip
There is a lot to be learned about style from automobile manufacturers. As I’ve been restoring my...
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