NovDec2015_FAAcover-250pxThe November/December 2015 “Good Night” issue of FAA Safety Briefing focuses on general aviation night operations. Articles in this issue address the importance of having both the right physical and mental preparation for flying at night, as well as how technology can help.

In this issue, we used the word NIGHT as a mnemonic checklist for all of the content in this night-themed issue. Feature articles include:

  • N = Nightlights – Using “Pilot Nightlights” to Find Your Way in the Dark (p 12),
  • I = Illusions – Nighttime Perils of Perception (p 16),
  • G = Gadgets – Glowing Gadgets and Gizmos (p. 20)
  • H = Human Factors – How Night Can Be Hazardous to Your Flying Health (p 24)
  • T = Terrain Avoidance – What Does it Take to Use NVGs? (p 28)

In this issue’s Aeromedical Advisory department (p. 5), Federal Air Surgeon Dr. James Fraser explains the importance of finding the right Aviation Medical Examiner, while Checklist (p 23) highlights tips for avoiding close encounters of the wildlife kind. Also, as part of a series of articles to highlight the importance of ADS-B equipment, Clifton Stroud from the FAA’s NextGen Performance and Outreach Office discusses the benefits of ADS-B In on page 8.

The link to the online edition is: Also, be sure to follow us on Twitter – @FAASafetyBrief

FAA Safety Briefing is the safety policy voice for the non-commercial general aviation community.  The magazine’s objective is to improve safety by:

  • making the community aware of FAA resources
  • helping readers understand safety and regulatory issues, and
  • encouraging continued training