
Author: Bill Cox

Cessna 190/195

Post-World War II war surplus aircraft may have looked attractive based on purchase price, but operating costs were well out of reach of the average retiring military fighter pi¬lot, lieutenant, or captain returning from the war. Of course, the established general aviation manufacturers and dozens of upstart companies jumped into the light-plane business with enthusiasm. For its part, Cessna introduced a new model known as the 190/195. The new airplane was probably a much better machine than its sales record suggested.

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Cessna 340

The usual question is which used, pressurized twin makes the most sense for a pilot looking to transition to the imaginary safety of two engines? My vote usually goes to the Cessna 340. Today, the early 340s represent an impressive buy for the pilot looking for twin engine redundancy at a reasonable price. The earliest examples, 1972-1974 models, sell for about $120,000 and the last production 340s, 1982-1984 vintage, bring about double that.

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Cessna Citation 500

By today’s standards, the first Cessna Citation (originally named the Fanjet 500 and later rebranded as the Citation 1 and finally the Citation 500) was perhaps the ultimate entry-level business jet. In 1972, it was one of the first corporate jets to be authorized for single pilot operation and the first in what was to become the world’s most popular line of business jets. Cessna’s 500 series Citations brought on-demand jet travel to folks who otherwise would have been relegated to the airline’s timeline.

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Cessna 140: A Cessna Built for Two, Low-and-slow Cruiser

One of the consistent positive reviews always goes to the Cessna 140. Like so many Cessnas that followed it, the diminutive 140 is almost universally regarded as one of the best airplanes of its type and vintage. The 140 wins rave reviews not because it does any one thing better than any other model but because it does everything well. In short, its among the best at being average or better.

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Box A Zone 1

Box B Zone 2

Box C Zone 3

Box D Zone 4