In 2022, the backlog of aircraft registrations waiting to be approved by the FAA hit an all-time high with delays of up to 190 days. The registration system was clearly broken and needed to be fixed. In response to the AOPA’s (Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association) call for reform, Congress ordered the FAA to revamp the registration process in 2024. In January 2025, two new rules went into effect that will streamline the application process, alleviating the backlog and causing pilots and aircraft owners far less consternation.
The first rule eliminated the requirement for applicants to present original documents, a potential nightmare for those flying vintage aircraft that have changed hands many times over the years. This rule also put an end to the practice of hand-stamping paper documents, something made obsolete by digital and electronic systems.
The second rule allows the FAA the issue electronic aircraft registration certificates, both to owners and dealers. Prior to the rule change, the FAA was issuing more than 5,000 certificates each month, all of which were printed and, ideally, bulked mailed within seven to 10 business days.
The Civil Aviation Registry Electronic Services (CARES) web-based system was established in 2022. The system’s capabilities are being expanded to help improve the application/registration process and alleviate the backlog. Although the Registry will still accept original documents and materials, these new rules will make submitting non-original documents (photocopies or digital images) preferable in most cases (though the FAA may, on occasion, still require original documents in certain circumstances).
The agency expects to have this new system fully operational later this year. Not only will it reduce each applicant’s wait time for approval, it will reduce the agency’s printing and mailing costs. Everyone wins.
To Read the Final rule, go to
*Information taken from “FAA Streamlines Aircraft Registration” by Jim Moore at