Service Information Notification
McCauley has become aware of an unapproved variant of the McCauley P/N A-20028 idler governor gear bearing that may cause erratic governor behavior, including the inability of the governor to hold selected RPM, hunting, surging, etc., due to governor bearing failure. The A-20028 bearing is utilized in ALL McCauley governor models. This Service Bulletin requires the removal of certain governors that are in service for inspection for the unapproved bearing variant.
Propeller Aircraft:
SEL-61-01 – Propeller – Propeller Governor Inspection in Accordance with McCauley ASB273 (Models: Single Engine Pistons) Compliance: M – Date: 11/16/2018
PILOT VERSION: SEL-61-01 McCauley Propellers ASB273
MEL-61-01 – Propeller – Propeller Governor Inspection in Accordance with McCauley ASB273 (Models: Multi-Engine Pistons) Compliance: M – Date: 11/16/2018
MECHANIC VERSION: MEL-61-01 McCauley Propellers ASB273
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