When I advise a client on how to equip their aircraft for Light IFR, I use this template:

What Avionics should you have to fly Light IFR Safely?
In my opinion, to fly Light IFR you need a ca­pable pilot and: (in the order of priority)

  • Dual comms and dual nav sources (VOR, ILS, GPS*)
    *IFR GPS has become a standard IFR navigation tool
  • An audio panel with markers and an intercom (required with 2 radios)
  • A Mode S ES ADS-B compliant transponder (WAAS is required) or a Universal Access Trans­ceiver/Transmitter (UAT)
  • ADS-B IN WX and traffic (traffic is most important)
  • A basic autopilot
  • Enhanced engine monitoring (beyond factory basics)
  • A 406MHz ELT
  • Reliable gyro’s and vacuum pump are assumed!

My client and I are focused on the TOOLS you need to fly in the clouds. Note: If you are starting from scratch, if none of the avion­ics in your panel have any redeeming qualities, you’re looking at about $55,000 to equip with the list above and that’s using the Trio Pro Pilot Autopilot in the mix. Simply stated, these are the priori­ties. I seldom talk about accessories with my clients, the little things you can add to your panel that can make things a little easier or can even make the flight safer.

I remember one client who was removing an old ADF, and its indicator and he asked what he could put in the hole left behind. He didn’t want an empty hole.

I wasn’t used to thinking that way, but I’m sure we found some­thing to fill the hole that also contributed to the flight in some little way. Here are some items that can add a lot for a little. We’ll keep it un­der $1500 installed.

An Instrument Bug ($11.95 at Aircraft Spruce). An instrument bug attaches to an instrument, like your altimeter, and serves as a re­minder of where you should be.

Attach it to an oil or fuel pressure instrument and it may show you de­viations from normal you might not notice without it.

Revere ComfortMax Inflat­able Lifejacket / PFD ($130 at mypilotstore.com). PFD means Personal Flotation Device for this discussion. I’m in Florida and the islands are a tempt­ing option for Southeast pilots. Whenever you expect to fly for extended time over water, a life raft or PFDs are required. Life rafts are heavy and bulky. The ComfortMax inflatable is com­fortable to wear, inflates auto­matically and just might save the day.

Portable VHF Backup Com Radio (Sporty’s PJ2+ at $199). A portable in your flight bag protects you from a com or electri­cal failure. It’s a must for a VFR pilot with only a single panel-mounted com but it makes sense for any pilot. The Sporty’s PJ2+ is simple and uses alkaline batteries (not rechargeables). Your aviation headset plugs directly into it and that’s exactly what you want in a backup portable radio when you need it.

Spot X Two-Way Personal Tracker ($250 at mypilotstore.com). Spot X provides 2-way satellite messaging so you can stay connected to family, friends and colleagues whenever you’re outside of cellular range, including direct communication with search and rescue services in case of a life-threatening emer­gency. Note: A subscription is required.

BluLink II Bluetooth Music/Cell Phone Adapter ($260 at Pilot-USA.com).

I’m positive about having music in the cockpit on cross countries but if you’re fly­ing behind a legacy audio panel without this capability, the Pilot USA BluLink is an affordable way to add wireless music and cell phone capability.

B-Kool Portable Cooling System ($299 @ PilotMall.com). Summer flying can be bumpy and hot! Well, at least you can do something about the heat. The B-cool portable cooling solution uses ice and a fan (12 or 24 volt) and can give you up to 2 hours of 40-degree cooling air. Op­tional remote lets you turn it on as needed.

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