About Mountain High Oxygen Systems
Mountain High Equipment & Supply Co. is the maker of state-of-the-art aviation oxygen equipment. Founded by pilot and engineer Patrick L. Mclaughlin, Mountain High has been supplying aviation oxygen equipment and supplies since 1985. The company is known particularly for it’s EDS product, an electronic ‘Pulse-Demand™’ adaptive oxygen delivery device. Mountain High has also been at the forefront of providing pilots of all types of aircraft with affordable and easy-to-use oxygen transfillers and adapters.
Website Address: http://www.mhoxygen.com
Phone Number: 800-468-8185
2244 Airport Way Suite 100
Redmond OR 97756
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Use Coupon SHOW10 to receive your 10% show discount for orders over $100. Expires 8/31/2020. Not valid on previous orders.
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