Join us at the Member Fly-In in Batavia, Ohio
Register Here
September 6-8, 2019
You and your guests are invited (price is per person). Meet COO Aviation Director Scott Sherer, other staff, and fellow members.
Included for $50 per person:
- Two tours (plus optional Museum tour for additional $12)
- Two meals (Friday dinner at AirMod, Saturday lunch at Sporty’s, optional Saturday night meal for additional $25)
- T-shirt (pre-registrants only)
- Local transportation
Three Tours
Sporty’s @ Clermont County Airport
We’ll be touring the store and getting treated by Sporty’s to lunch.
Learn more about Sporty’s here
(Optional tour for additional $12)
The Museum is a 22,000 square foot state-of-the-art facility which provides:
- An inviting atmosphere to facilitate the restoration and preservation of the aircraft, while maximizing the Museum’s educational mission.
- An exhibit area for historic artifacts and related items to highlight the history of the Museum’s aircraft.
- A library of reference books, magazines, videos, films, and other educational materials.
- A classroom and lecture facility to provide educational forums to schools and interested groups.
- Two 100 x 100 foot hangars creating an aircraft display area honoring the role of the aircraft to illustrate the progress of aviation development and to honor the contribution of military aviation.
- A professional restoration shop to enhance the mission of restoring and preserving original historic aircraft.
- Ample suitable storage area for specialized tooling and parts storage.
Learn more about the Museum here
We’re getting a special tour and AirMod has a meal in mind. Eat, watch and learn!
Sign up by August 15 and receive a custom T-shirt
Only $50 per person
Tentative Schedule
Friday September 6
Afternoon: Arrival and Hotel Check-In. Optional: Visit Sporty’s.
Evening: AirMod tour and meal
Saturday September 7
Late Morning: Tri-State Warbird Museum Tour
Afternoon: Lunch and tour at Sporty’s
Evening: Meet and greet at airport (tour each other’s planes) and dinner after
Sunday September 8
Register Here
(Still have questions? Use our Contact Us form below and scroll to the bottom where it says “Contact our Magazine Team”)
Hotel Information
For your hotel, we recommend the Holiday Inn Eastgate. We have secured a $99 room rate.
By Phone: Call 513.752.4400 or 1.800.HOLIDAY to reserve your room and mention block code PCO.
Online (from a desktop computer): Click on the link below to register, you must then enter the correct arrival and departure dates and then click Search. This link will not work on a smartphone or tablet.
Online Link: Piper and Cessna Owners Societies